Level 1.

You can take this test on day 1 the first day you play on Howrse. Once you have passed this level you can get a job as a groom. There are not many groom jobs available so you may have to keep checking for one to be on the list. If possible only accept an employment contract for a week then get another groom job for 3 days because you can become a riding instructor in 10 days and you do not want to be tied to your groom job for 3 weeks. You may only be able to find jobs for 3 weeks though. Once you accept a job you cannot resign. 

Horses primarily eat;

If a horse is under 14.2hh, it is called a;


Horses usually live how long;

25-30 yrs

If a horse is afraid, it's first instinct is to;


Horses can live happily with goats,cows and sheep;


A horse can learn to mimic basic human speech?


Horses suffer when nails are tapped into the horns:


Horses can learn to do simple tricks:


Which one of these is not a gait:


How many nostrils do horses have:


Horses are not herd animals:


An adult female horse is called a:


Horses can provide their owners with exercise and companionship:


A hippy is:

Someone who refuses the social and cultural values of the consumer society

What noise do horses make?


Is the sea-horse a cousin of the horse?


When Ulysses built the Trojan horse, what material did he choose?:


Horses never get sick ?


What famous film has Robert Redford acting as a horse whisperer?

The Horse Whisperer

What is horses' favorite drink?


When I take my horse out of the meadow, I use?

A tether

Out of these magnificent animals, which ones have a horse's body?

The unicorn 
The hippogriff

Can horses vomit?


Can you mount a horse without a saddle?


Which one of these foods do horses not like?


Out of these coats, which one doesn't exist?



There is no cheat to pass riding level 2 but these answers to the questions in Howrse may help you. 
Once your groom jobs runs out you can become a riding instructor. When you pass level 2 you will also have access to horse trading in the game. You will be able to buy and sell horses in the auctions. Once you have at least 3 karma points and 2 horses you will also have access to the private sales.
The Howrse study guide at the bottom should give you more clues. 
Horse Riding Instructor - The Riding instructor supervises the horse riders who come to have lessons in the centre. The quality of the lessons depends on his/her presence and, consequently, the sum paid to the horse's owner for each lesson. 



Which season of the year would a horse need a Blanket?


When you tie your horse to a post, you should:

Tie a loose knot that will give if he spooks or runs

Horses that are frequently exercised need what? When leading a horse, you should walk directly in front of it to show it where to go:


A horse should have access to fresh, clean water at all times:


What is a curry comb

A tool made of rubber or plastic with short teeth on one side

A horse can get upset if it is separated from it’s herd:


When walking behind a horse, you should do which of the following?

Stand at least 6 feet behind the horse 
Talk softly to the horse so it knows where you are

If a horse’s ears are slanted backwards, it indicates he is:


How often should a horse’s stall be cleaned if the horse is in it frequently?


When you clip or shave off a section of the horse’s mane right behind it’s ears, this is called a:

Bridle path

What are some common indications that a horse is bored when left in his stall?

All of these

What is the basic harness item you should use to move your horse from one place to another?


When leading a horse, you should walk directly in front of it to show it where to go?



No change of job but you can open your own Equestrian Centre now. The money you have as breeder and an EC owner are kept separate, you cannot move money from one area to another. 
The Howrse study guide at the bottom should give you more clues. 



If your horse is lacking minerals, what can you do to help add more minerals to their diet?

Provide a Mineral Block
Feed a Veterinary recommended supplement

Horses that are frequently exercised need what?

Increased protein 
Increased carbohydrate

How many stomachs do horses have?


Feeding your horse sugary feeds and treats can give them cavities in their teeth:


A horse that requires little extra dietary maintenance and maintains a healthy weight is often times called a:

Easy keeper

If a horse needs 2.2 pounds of hay per 100 pounds of body weight per day, how much hay does a 900 pound horse need in a day?


Pasture can provide your horse with an excellent source of fresh forage:


When your horse refuses food and water, looks around at their sides, paws the ground and tries to lay down often, what is wrong?

They have impaction colic

What is Founder?

Inflammation of the laminae of the hoof

What vitamin is essential for a breeding stallion to have in his diet?

Vitamin A

Which feed or grain provides a horse with the highest amount of energy?


If a horse is loose without his halter, what is the best item to use to catch him?

Soft rope

Level 4.

You will now have access to new information about breeding, genetics and the directory that list all players' breeds. 



What should you do if your horse has a bowed tendon?

All of these

Horses born with SCID virus have?

No immune systems

What animals do horses commonly contract Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis from?


What is thrush?

Infection of a part of the horses hoof called the frog

Horses can be allergic to bee stings?


If your horse throws a shoe while you are riding what should you do?

Pad the hoof with cotton and wrap it

It is important to de worm your horse at least?

Every three months

What does Mud Fever cause?

Painful sores and scabs on the horse's legs

If your horse has colic, you should allow them to roll


What are some signs that your horse may have West Nile Virus? 

All of these 

What is the Rhino Virus? 

Equine Flu 

What are some of the signs your horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

Difficulty breathing
Loss of interest in Food



Once you pass level 5 you will be able to get a job as a blacksmith. The blacksmith looks after the horses and fits them with horseshoes. Having a blacksmith at the equestrian centre, the resident horses' shoes will wear three times less quickly. His/her presence contributes to the quality of the healthcare of the centre which employs him/her. 



When mounting your horse in an active arena with other riders, you should:

Ask somebody to hold your horse while you mount
Use a mounting block

When riding, the best footwear you can use is:

A sturdy boot with a short heel

A red ribbon tied to a horse’s tail at a show means:

The horse might kick

It is important that a rider of any age wear their helmet any time they are on a horse:


Why do western boots have high heels?

To prevent the foot from sliding through the stirrup

What is a Martingale used for?

To control the horse’s head

It is safe to leave a horse’s halter on when he is turned out in pasture:


If your horse is participating in rigorous demanding work, he should have:

Splint Boots

The bit was developed before the nosebands:


Riding gloves can:

Prevent blisters
Protect your hands against the elements
Give you a better grip on the reins

What is a peacock stirrup?

A safety stirrup

According to the January 2008 regulations, any youth rider competing at an FEI sanctioned event must do what if they loose their helmet?

They must stop, dismount, and secure their helmet before continuing


Once you pass level 6 you will receive a horn of plenty (HOP) which is full of surprise goodies. To open your HOP go the the black market page then click on the HOP option you will see on the bottom left - buy a HOP make sure you click the button that says use the HOP in your stock not the option to purchase another one with a pass then press the surprise button. 



Where did fox hunting originate?

United Kingdom

Who was the first equestrian to be inducted to the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame?

J. Michael Plumb

What riding discipline is most popular in the United States?


What type of riding competition is the historic Sante Fe Trail?


Which Olympic Three Day Event team won the gold in the 2000 Sydney Three Day Event?


The Peruvian Paso is famous for

The Termino

Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

Rodrigo Pessoa

What is a Charro?

A traditional cowboy of Mexico

Which kind of riding demands perfection riding in an upright position with a strong curvature of the haunches, regularity, skill and finesse in all of the natural gaits in dressage?

Haute école

What rider, atop the horse Salinero, claimed gold in the 2004 Olympics for Individual Dressage?

Anky van Grunsven

What breeds of horses are represented by the acronym PRE?


What nomadic people were meticulous in the careful, planned breeding of fine horses to gain desirable traits?

The Bedouins




What gene is responsible for making a chestnut horse palomino?


Which hormones help regulate a mares pregnancy and foaling?

Oxytocin, Progesterone, Estrogen

Mare gestation lasts about how many weeks?


What season is it common to breed mares?


Which bedding is it best to use when your mare is foaling?


There are 2 base color genes for horses, what are they?

Black and red

How many vaccinations should mares have while they are pregnant?


Foaling usually takes several hours?


Stallions can be safe to turn out with mares to breed


What does AI stand for

Artificial Insemination

What are some factors to consider before breeding your mare

All of these


Once you pass level 8 you will now be able to get a job as a saddler. The saddler is a rare and invaluable craftsman for the equestrian centre. In fact, his/her presence enables the breeders to have a saddle repaired when it has become too worn. Be careful! Each saddle can only be repaired once by a saddler! Top pay 160



What type of tack is used for a Lippizan horse?


What saddle was designed for security and comfort in the saddle no matter how harsh the conditions?

Australian Saddle

What is a surcingle used for?

Training a young or inexperienced Horse

The Canadian Horse is well known for it’s versatility in

Carriage, Jumping & Western events

Most American Mustangs reside on an HMA. What does HMA stand for?

Herd Management Area

Which Equestrian sport uses a bamboo stick to which is attached a racquet head with a loose, thread net which is used to carry a ball?


Barrel Racing is a sport originally developed for women:


The only type of saddles Australian riders use are Australian saddles:


What are Woolies?

A type of chap with fleece on one side

What piece of equipment has the sole purpose of keeping the reins from going over the horse’s head?

Irish Martingale

What is the name of the horse that that became the 2007 USEF Horse of the Year?

Theodore O’Connor

What riding discipline uses what is commonly called a Cutback Saddle?


What type of saddles do the Royal Canadian Mounted Police use? .


The Brumby is a breed from.


It is possible to jump while riding in a sidesaddle



Once you pass level 9 you will receive a horn of plenty (HOP) which is full of surprise goodies. To open your HOP go the the black market page then click on the HOP option you will see on the bottom left - buy a HOP make sure you click the button that says use the HOP in your stock not the option to purchase another one with a pass then press the surprise button. 



For an orphaned foal, a milk-producing goat can serve as a foster?


When should a foal begin it's halter breaking

The first month

At what age is it safe to start a horse under saddle with light riding

3 years

What colour is a very pale Palomino called


What common horse colour consists of a black mane and tail, black legs, and a medium brown body?


Most foals should be weaned at what age?

Six months

At what age should a foal be de-wormed for the first time?

Six weeks

At a year old, your horse should be tolerant of what?

All of these

If your foal is orphaned, what can you do to help it grow?

All of these

What was the name of Alexander the Great's black horse?


Which piece of tack should be the last one introduced when starting a young horse?


The areas of forests occupied by discrete groups of New Forest ponies are commonly called:


When should a foal be given it's first vaccination

Three months

Foals should have colostrum within the first 12 hours after birth


The first time a horse is tied to learn to stand patiently, what are some common reactions the youngster may have?

Jerking on the rope
Pulling back

Why should you not start a horse under saddle too young?

It can damage their back
It can damage their knees

How many pounds can a healthy foal gain per day ?

3 pounds


 when you pass level 10 you get to do 3 lessons instead of 2!!



The book "Black Beauty" played a significant role in the development of today’s animal welfare laws and regulations


The mythical horse Shadowfax is from what famous series of novels?

The Lord of the Rings

Seabiscuit was a famous Show Jumper.


What part of the horse is the poll?

The part of the neck behind the horse’s ears

What was the name of Roy Rogers’ famous Horse?


A Hand is:

Four inches
Ten centimetres

What races comprise the Canadian Triple Crown?

Queen’s Plate
Breeder’s Stakes
Prince of Wales Stakes

Draft horses are the second strongest animals in the world, the first strongest being the elephant


What is a snip

A small mark on the muzzle

What word is used to describe a horse's overall physical proportions?


Thoroughbreds are considered one year older on which two dates (one for the northern hemisphere, one for the southern)?

January the first 
August the first

Most American Mustangs reside on an HMA. What does HMA stand for?

Herd Management Area

What is the oldest breed of horse?

Mongolian Wild Horse